Career Development Skill Set

The CHCSS00108 Career Development Skill Set is focused specifically on the skills needed to provide programs and services to help people develop a career pathway, locate and secure their ideal job.
While it is not currently mandatory to hold qualifications to provide career development advice, upskilling will ensure ;that the knowledge you acquire is both comprehensive and aligned with the latest best practices in the field. This program is particularly tailored for individuals aspiring to excel in career information, transition services, or roles involving career advising within educational, training, school, or transitional work settings.
Expanding your existing skills will unlock greater opportunities for you to excel as a skilled Careers Advisor. In this capacity, you would be responsible for delivering comprehensive programs and services to both individuals and groups of clients and employers. Your role would encompass aiding individuals in their career planning endeavours, as well as assisting them in identifying, securing, and maintaining suitable employment opportunities. Your reach would extend from assisting recent school graduates to guiding seasoned professionals seeking the next phase in their careers.
Discover the convenience of our online course conducted through MS Teams, where you can participate in unlimited 3-hour sessions as needed. Enjoy the flexibility to join sessions at your convenience and make the most out of your learning experience with us.
Day 1: Introduction to Career Development and Legal
Day 2: Cluster 1 - Conduct Career Guidance Interviews
Day 3: Cluster 2 - Research employment, labour market and education options
Day 4: Cluster 3 - Deliver Career Development Services
Day 5: Cluster 4- Supporting People in Career Transition
TIME: Each session lasts three hours (QLD Time) - You can view the schedule and book these through your Student Support Portal or ask one of our friendly team members.
This skill set is for individuals seeking to broaden their skills in career development practice. It has application in areas such as school career advice, VET in Schools work, education and training, youth work or human resources.
This skill set has been endorsed by the industry as suitable for individuals who:
• hold a professional or vocational qualification at Certificate III level or higher in a career development related discipline
• have skills equivalent to the qualification requirement validated through a recognition of prior learning process.
When you finish this course, you’ll be able to:
- Provide support to people in career transition
- Conduct career guidance interviews
- Develop and maintain networks and collaborative partnerships
- Deliver services consistent with a career development framework
- Analyse and apply information that supports employment and career development
Check each course option below as not all delivery options apply.
1. Live Class
i) Group workshop with a trainer to support and guide you through activities. Ask us for scheduled course dates at locations convenient to you.
ii) We can also come to your workplace and deliver a customised program to meet your workplace needs (Minimum numbers apply. Contact us to discuss your particular needs).
2. Blended Learning
This is a flexible and efficient way to complete your qualification. It may include live classes, online study, self-paced activities and webinars.
3. Online
The entire course is offered electronically through our Learning Management System.
4. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Recognition of Prior Learning is the process that is used to recognise the skills and knowledge you have acquired through personal and work experience - the "University of Life". The evidence you provide is matched to a complete qualification where possible or alternatively, to part of a qualification. A successful RPL application means that you could receive certification without further study or may be able to fast-track through a qualification. Please contact us to organise an individual assessment of your current knowledge and skills.
This course is designed for people who are, or wish to become:
- School Industry liaison officer
- Career advisor
- Career Development Practitioner
- Career educator
- Career counsellor
- Performance management consultant
- Rehabilitation consultant
- Human resources officer
- Work experience coordinator
- Employment services advisor
- Career coach
- Youth worker
This skill set has been endorsed by industry as suitable for individuals who:
- hold a professional or vocational qualification at Certificate III level or higher in a career development related discipline OR
- have skills equivalent to the qualification requirement validated through a recognition of prior learning process.
You have 12 months from course commencement to complete this skill set.
To complete this skill set you must demonstrate competency in a total of 6 core units.
Units of Competency | Core/Elective/Group |
CHCCOM002 Use communication to build relationships | Core |
CHCECD001Analyse and apply information that supports employment and career development | Core |
CHCECD008 Deliver services consistent with a career development framework | Core |
CHCECD009 Conduct career guidance interviews | Core |
CHCECD010 Provide support to people in career transition | Core |
CHCLEG001 Work legally and ethically | Core |
Your learning resources will include:
- Training Manual
- Resource Library containing document templates, samples, fact sheets and explainer videos
- Access to live and recorded webinars and online discussion forums
- Access to our Learning Management System
You will also be able to access our “Homework Club” tutorials and individual support calls.
During your studies, you will need access to the following:
- Computer with compatible operating system (Windows 8 or higher, Mac)
- Printer, scanner and phone
- Current web browser (Chrome, Safari or Firefox)
- Email address and stable Internet connection access (with a reliable speed of at least 5mbps)
- Microsoft Office - including Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- Adobe reader
Assessment is a combination of:
- Knowledge questions
- Case studies and Projects
- Practical Activities
If you successfully complete this skill set, you could continue your studies in higher level adult education qualifications such as:
Please see our full Fee Schedule for information about unit costs (where applicable), RPL fees and Refund Policy.
Group Training | RPL | Live Classes |
Please call for group discount offers ENROL | $1950 ENROL | $1950 ENROL |