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Most people don’t know that our ‘hippy’ Chief Disorganiser is a Breathwork and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. What’s that you ask?  She says it’s just a fancy way of getting grounded and connected with yourself to stabilize the nervous system and tap into your own energy.  

We did a bit of research to find out that Somatic Experiencing is a therapy aimed at relieving the symptoms of stress and trauma by focusing on body sensations (or somatic experiences). It promotes self-awareness and the release of physical tension.   

Different forms of Breathwork have been used for centuries in yoga, meditation and a range of other relaxation techniques.  Donna teaches people how to use circular connected breathing to activate the life force energy, connect to inner serenity and tap into the creative flow. 

These are pretty handy skills to have in the face of everything that’s going on in this crazy world at the moment.  After a little nudge, Donna put together something to help people navigate the ‘shifting sands’.  

So, we are proud to offer free access to group mentoring sessions with a special focus on creating a “Life on PURPOSE”.  

Sessions are every Wednesday afternoon at 5:30pm.

Click here to register.

If you miss this one, stay tuned to our website or contact to find out when the next program is being offered.